The Burning of Innocence

She reminded him of the sun. She moved as if her body was in tune with everything around her, and she listened as if the fire was telling her secrets. There was nothing unnatural about this girl, and yet it felt wrong for her to be inside these caves. Away from the sun, of which she reminded him so.

So I got one of those lovely blog awards from Blogger Exraordinnaire, L. Carroll! 

For those of you who still don’t follow her blog, YOU SHOULD: She’s lovely. You can find her on Twitter too @lormandela. And finally, you MUST check out her book: (Lor Mandela: Destruction of Twins). Because I said so.

Now, on to business. The rules are as follows:

1. Thank and link to the person who nominated you. CHECK.
2. Share seven random facts about yourself
3. Pass the award along to 15 deserving blogg buddies. FIFTEEN? *stares*
4. Contact those buddies to congratulate them

7 Random Facts About Me:

* I have a frivolous finger that won’t bend backwards. Sigh.

* I get so excited after reading a good book that I feel the compulsion to write the author and gush about their gift of language, only to realize later that I’ve made at least ten typos in my excitement, and have forgotten all about the existence of paragraphs. Double sigh.

* I lose stuff. No, really. I lose my keys at least five times a day. If you give me something to keep for you, don’t bother. It will be gone the next day. I forget a lot too. So I have to mentally check a list of things I need before I get out of the house, and when I still forget something, I have to go back and get it.

* I am actually a member of the Universal Lottery Losers Anonymous, or else called ULLA, pronounced Ul-LHAAA! Obviously, when we do it, we tone down the enthusiasm.

* I cry when watching movies. A lot. The ones which ALWAYS start the waterworks are: Forrest Gump, Finding Nemo, The Notebook, The Lion King, & Million Dollar Baby. Of course, I know what will happen if I played them, but I do it anyway.

* I rate every movie I watch and store it into folders, a well-oiled system. It’s basically a folder-into-folder-into-folder kind of thing. And that’s the ONLY anal-retentive thing on my laptop, everything else is a complete mess, lol.

* I like self-irony. Doh.

And the WINNERS Are:

Marjorie McAtee (@marjoriemcatee) & Don’t Call Me Marge ( blogs about everything. And she cracks me up!

Jennifer Bennett (@jennie_bennett) & A Book, A Girl, A Journey ( inspirational posts for writers.

Danielle Zeissig (@execredhead) & A Work In Progress ( kind of blog! <3

Jody Hedlund (@JodyHedlund): Very insightful writing updates.

Brielle B. (@BrielleBookworm) & Awesome Bookworm ( you’re looking for good books, ask Brielle. Plus she’s fun as hell.

Kasie West (@KasieWest) : Blog full of useful writing tips and fun Monday tidbits.

Lisa Gail Green (@lisagailgreen) & Paranormal Point of View ( Damon-lover. I love her posts. She should get the Versatile Blog Award!

Racquel Henry (@RacquelHenry) & Racquel Writes ( sweet mix of useful and fun!

Rebecca Royce (@rebeccaroyce) & Rebecca’s Random Musings ( puts the sweet in sweetness. Really.

I know, I know. These are only nine. But they are the best nine you’ll ever find! 


Wow, thanks for the award! :)

Wow! I'm seriously honored. Thank you for the compliments. :D And I love Damon too, though I doubt he'd be the kind to write you poetry...

Thank you so much! Your words are so kind, truly means a lot to me.
Fifteen bloggers, golly gee. I've actually gotten this award before, but I will be sure to mention you on my blog, and pass it on to one or two. :D
P.S. Movies I always cry to: The Little Princess, Pay it Forward, Meet the Robinsons, and The Lake house. I tear up just thinking about them!

Oh, crap, an award! Thanks! Wow!

You're welcome everyone!

@Lisa, lol, I know I know but he's pretty damn romantic as well in his own twisted way. :D

@Jen Haha, I didn't actually get to 15 because my eyes started bleeding from staring at blogs yesterday. But I'm pretty happy with the ones I came up with. <3 Oh totally! Meet the Robinsons is one of my fave Disney movies, so inspirational! And Pay it Forward is just too damn sad!!!

I'm not going to be able to find 15 either. But I'll do my best.

Heeheehaha! Why do you think I'm doing this one blogger at a time? I'm sure you won't go to Blog Hell if you only send it to a few blogging buds! (And if you do, we'll all be there together! What a blast!!!) It's fun to get to talk to other bloggers, though. Love your seven random "Violeta-isms"!

BLOG HELL!! Lol, sounds like a computer game. And yes, I am sure that all bloggers deserve to be there because Blog Heaven would be a total drag.. Ah, your scheme is brilliant, Master.
Haha, thanks. You are awesome and awesomer. 2 for the price of one. :P

I love this list about you, especially the fact that you also cry when watching THE NOTEBOOK. Me too! One of my favorite movies and books of all time.

Hi Julie. Thanks! I know, toward the end I just cry out loud and I don't care who's around. Much better when I watch it alone though. :D